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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Southlake Optometry Group the leading provider of vision care products and services in Hoover.

Staff Photo

Tracey L. Mercer, OD

Photo of Dr. MercerDr. Tracey Mercer is a native of Demopolis, Alabama. She received her BS degree from the University of South Alabama in 1995. Since her graduation from UAB Optometry School in 1999, she has been in private practice optometry in North Shelby County. Dr. Mercer opened her own office in January 2015 in the Hoover area. She enjoys seeing patients from infancy to seniors.

When she is not at work, Dr. Mercer enjoys spending time with her husband Robert and two children. She is active in her church at Asbury United Methodist as well as supporting the schools and their activities.

Women of Hoover Dr. Tracey Mercer from Tracey Mercer on Vimeo.

Emily Moores, OD

Emily Moores, ODDr. Emily Moores was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. She attended Auburn University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree studying biomedical sciences. Upon graduation from Auburn, she moved to Birmingham for optometry school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where she earned her doctor of optometry in 2021. Dr. Moores completed a year of residency training in ocular disease with emphases in primary care and retina at the Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center. In her free time, she enjoys travelling, skiing, and spending time with her husband Garrett and family at the lake.

You will know this office is different from the moment you walk through the door. The smiling faces that greet you and the relaxed atmosphere are a welcome change to the sterility found in most offices.

Photo of MariaMaria Wall

Maria has been here since 2020. She is the best at helping patients understand their insurance and benefits. She graduated from UAB with a Psychology degree and is pursuing a Masters as a Child Advocacy Specialist.

Photo of JalinJalin Clifton

Jalin is a technician. She came to us with a background in preschool educations. While being very proficient at her duties gathering information, she is wonderful at putting patients at ease and making them feel at home.

Photo of SuziSuzi Russell

Suzi has been an optician for over 30 years. She loves working with us in a dedicated customer service environment. She enjoys helping patients make decisions to flatter their faces. Suzi also edges lenses in the office to make the process of getting glasses much easier in many cases.

Connie Gleason

Connie Gleason

Connie Gleason is an eyewear stylist/ optician with 30 years experience in the industry. Connie’s mantra is that every patient deserves to see their best and look their best. her goal is to make every patient’s experience fun, informative and fulfilling. Make no mistake, her enthusiasm is real and her passion is genuine.

Kendall Carter

Kendall Carter

Kendall is one of the voices you will hear helping you through scheduling, insurance information and checking out at times. Kendall is currently pursuing a degree in Radiation Technology.

Mary Beth Lemley

Mary Beth is one of our technicians at Southlake. She has been working in this industry for several years and is planning to apply for optometry school in the near future.

Jasmin Newton

Jasmin is one of the kind, helpful people who greet you at Southlake. She is here to guide you through scheduling, pulling insurance and checking you out. She enjoys painting in her spare time.